Threat Exposure Management

About Flare

Flare’s Threat Exposure Management solution integrates into your security program in 30 minutes to provide your team with actionable intelligence and automated remediation for threats across the clear & dark web.

Flare provides high-quality structured data from thousands of sources with autonomous takedowns and automated event contextualization using AI Language Models. Flare unifies coverage across thousands of sources of external risk that are often the initial vectors Threat Actors use to launch attacks.

AI Driven Threat Exposure Management

Retail & Hospitality

Flare Overview - RS Cybercon.pdf

Success Story

Flare Retail success story.pdf

Flare and RHISAC Offer

RH-ISAC and Flare offer.pdf

Report: Stealer Logs and Corporate Access


Report: Initial Access Brokers, Russian Hacking Forums, and the Underground Corporate Access Economy


When Ready - Contact Flare 

External link: Flare Website