Advanced Email & Collaboration Security

About Mimecast

Mimecast: Work Protected™ Since 2003, Mimecast has stopped bad things from happening to good organizations by enabling them to work protected. We empower more than 40,000 customers to help mitigate risk and manage complexities across a threat landscape driven by malicious cyberattacks, human error, and technology fallibility. Our advanced solutions provide the proactive threat detection, brand protection, awareness training, and data retention capabilities that evolving workplaces need today. Mimecast solutions are designed to transform email and collaboration security into the eyes and ears of organizations worldwide.

Mimecast Email Security, Cloud Integrated

Mimecast Overview

Mimecast Overview.pdf

Email Security, Cloud Gateway Datasheet

Email Security, Cloud Gateway Datasheet_v2.0.PDF

Case Study: StepStone

Case Study_ Email Security, Web Security, AT, Archive- StepStone_v2.0.PDF

Email Security DMARC Analyzer Datasheet

Email Security DMARC Analyzer Datasheet_v2.0.PDF

When Ready - Contact Mimecast

External Link: Mimecast Website